Ohio Deer Hunts

Our Deer Hunts are Do-It-Yourself on Private Property

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We offer 5 day Bow Hunts on Very Low Pressure Properties

VERY LOW PRESSURE. We offer 3 hunting weeks, per property, per year. Yes you read that right, 3 weeks or about 15 days per year, enough said! Many run hunts from the same tree stands, over a pile of corn for the entire 125 day season; that’s not us!

  1. Manage for Quality Our properties have a 130 Inch minimum antler score.
  2. Hunting Properties. We have over 3000 acres of properties for our SELF-GUIDED or DO-IT-YOURSELF (DIY) Deer hunts.
  3. Fair Chase. When you book with with us, you truly get the opportunity to hunt the land rather than just being placed in a tree over a corn pile and WAITING.
  4. Focus on the Rut. Bow hunters are typically a cut above the rest! Experienced hunters with a “Go-Getter” attitude have been very successful with us, year after year. We focus on late October and November and as long as weather is cooperative, we know our hunters will see good deer movement.
  5. Our Hunters. Build their own group (we don’t mix groups) and hunt their own property (we don’t mix groups on the same properties). They scout the property, hang their stand, harvest their trophy and pack it out.
  6. We match our properties to your group. We will select a property that best fits your group size between 1-8 hunters. Some properties includes lodging and on others, we let hunter find their own place to stay. Some hunters find nearby Air B&B, hotels or bring a camper.
  7. Scout the Property.  Your group can also schedule a spring turkey hunt or a scouting trip prior to your deer hunting week. We'll provide an aerial image indicating access points, property boundaries and can suggest some good hunting locations.

How to Book a Hunt

  • Build Your Group of 1-10 hunters, decide if you would like us to provide lodging or you can do your own near the hunting property!
  • Call or text Ryan at 740-438-6537 and we will provide details on the properties that best fit your group size and the weeks available
  • Booking online is easy
    • Deposit is 50% to secure your hunt
    • Complete and return the Hunter Release Form
    • Second payment by May 1st 
    • Final Balance is due August 1st

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