
Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails, LLC (B.O.W.)

Outfitter Offering Ohio's BEST Do It Yourself Deer Hunts for Trophy Whitetails

• 100% Self-Guided & Fair Chase

• Designed for Experienced Bow Hunters

• Quality Hunting on Very Low Pressure, Private Property.


Ohio Deer Hunts

Our Whitetail Hunts are Do-It-Yourself, Self-Guided and Very Low Pressure!

Two things make us different from the other outfitters:


We only hunt our properties 3 Weeks per Year. Yes you read that right, 3 weeks, or about 15 days per year, enough said! Most run hunts from the same tree stands, over a pile of corn for the entire 125 day season; that’s not us!


We don't micromanage YOUR hunt. You have the freedom to hunt the property the way you want to hunt it, using your skills and experience.


Hunting Leases

We offer both annual and seasonal hunting leases throughout Ohio. Our annual Ohio hunting leases typically run on the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Our seasonal Ohio hunting leases are typically run on our waterfowl properties, where deer hunting and access is available anytime outside of waterfowl season.

Hunting leases are in very high demand; the best way to stay up to date on availability is to “Subscribe to our email list” below, Follow us on Facebook, and check back to the website regularly.

If you own property and would like us to help lease it for you, we have a network of interested hunters ready and waiting!

Turkey Hunting

We offer spring turkey hunts on our deer hunting properties. Booking a turkey hunt with us provides a great opportunity to visit and scout your properties, prior to your fall deer hunt. Hunters who book a deer hunt with us receive a discount on their spring turkey hunt. Click below to learn more.

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Waterfowl Club

In addition to Ohio Whitetail Deer and Turkey Hunting, we have a passion for waterfowl hunting. We built Banded Ohio Waterfowl (B.O.W.) Hunt Club to provide access for waterfowl hunters on a wide selection of private properties in Southeast Ohio, for the entire season. Accessible waterfowl habitats include dry and flooded crop fields, marshes, sloughs, ponds, quarries, creeks, and rivers. Click below to learn more.


Copyright © [2023] Bowhunting Ohio Whitetails. All rights reserved.