Hunting Leases

We offer Annual and Seasonal Hunting Leases In Ohio

Early Lease Access

We now offer “Early Lease Access" (ELA) to anyone who would like the opportunity to view and secure leases 5 days in advance of the regular email list. Those who sign-up for our ELA will create a login and be given exclusive access to all available leases, 5 days in advance of our regular email list. ELA members get a $200 credit toward one hunt or lease, so your membership cost goes directly to the cost of your lease. If you choose to book a 5 day deer hunt with us this year, instead, your “Early Lease Access" payment will be directly credited to the cost of the hunt. "2025 Early Lease Access" expires December 31, 2025.

Subscribe Today for 2025 lease access and gain:

  • 5 Days advanced access of available leases
  • Receive property details, location, and aerial maps.
  • $200 credit toward one lease or deer hunt you book with us this year.

We offer annual and seasonal hunting leases in Ohio (and occasionally in surrounding states). Leases vary in terrain, from hilly, big woods country to flat, big agricultural country, and some with a mix of both. Annually (typically in January), everyone on our email list is notified what leases are available for that calendar year and leases are posted to the website. A few additional leases usually pop up throughout the year, following the early year launch of annual leases we already have.

To sign up for notifications of lease opportunities for free, after the Early Lease Access subscribers have reviewed them, enter your email at the bottom of the page under "Subscribe to our email list" and that subscription never expires.




Contact Kris at 740-821-5134 to discuss lease availability and Early Lease Access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I be notified when leases become available?

A: Yes, we will notify Early Lease Access (ELA) members via the email you provided during your sign-up process, for the initial lease release in January. Any additional leases that become available throughout the year, will be posted to the website and then an email will be sent to the ELA group stating a lease is available on the website for purchase.

Q: How many properties will you have available?

A: We typically have 30-40 active leases in any given year. How many are available depends on how many are renewed by current lease holders. We usually add a few more leases through the course of each year.

Q: When do leases become available?

A: We give our current lease holders the first opportunity to renew in December. Typically we post the first and largest group of leases in mid-January. As more come available, we will send them out, throughout the year.

Q: I am already signed up for your emails. Will I still get to see available leases?

A: Yes, IF any leases still available after the Early Lease Access subscribers 5-day hold expires, we will send any remaining out to the list.

Q: What if my buddy is enrolled in Early Lease Access; he does not want a lease, but I do. Can I take the lease?

A: Only enrolled and paid Early Lease Access subscribers can login, view, and purchase leases, until the 5-day hold expires, then they are moved to the publicly available lease list.

Q: Are the leases for all year?

A: Lease terms typically run on the calendar year, from the time you secure them to December 31. We do have some seasonal leases on properties our waterfowl club uses that allows you to deer hunt anytime outside of duck season, which typically means most of October, all of November, and deer gun season.

Q: How much do leases cost?

A: It highly depends on the property. We do not price “per acre”. No two acres are created equal and every property is unique. We evaluate how many hunters a property can support, access, trophy potential, and try to assign a reasonable value to hunt that property for the duration of the term. For properties where we are helping a landowner by leasing it for them, sometimes they dictate what income they want to receive.

Q: Will I get first chance to renew next year?

A: Generally, YES. So long as the property is available the following year through us or the landowner, you have the first option to renew the following year.

Q: How do I secure and pay for the lease?

A: First come, first serve. Leases are set up as "products" under the lease page, you will add a lease to your cart and pay for it in full at checkout.

We will send you a Hunting License Agreement to fill out and sign, we will return a copy with our signature.

If you renew for the following year, you can send a check before the lease expiration.

Q: Do I need to provide my own Hunt Club Insurance?

A: Generally, No. All current properties are already insured through us with commercial hunting liability. There may be a few properties in the future we help landowners with that will require you to take out your own policy, OR, we can work with you to add that property and landowner to our policy.


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